Version History

Version 3.22
- Install issue related to user profiles fixed.

Version 3.2
- Fixed the problem with the option for not starting win menu in a windows profile.
- Fixed a problem that prevented a group to auto popup if the group only contained on item.
- Fixed a problem with the popup menu not auto hiding if it where popped up by auto popup, it hides when the program looses focus, but it this cases Win Menu never had focus.
- Fixed a problem with DragDroping shortcuts to the menu bar, and with other nonexistent automatically assigned icons.

Version 3.2
- Win+W (default) as a systemwide popup shortcut.
- Removed the mp3 integration, no need for it when is free.
- Fully integrated hot-keys for every item.
- Option to hide the name or icon of the items (only display the icon or name).
- Better integrated option to set a background image to the toolbar (Not to many knew about this).
- Removed the plug in integration, you can still use the Appbar plug in though.
- Improved the icon-extraction dialog.
- When entering setup, the toolbar goes to a new standby mode instead of just closing.
- The above prevents the Tray icon to reset (and change place) when entering setup.
- Moved the storing of the "Show in:TaskBar,Tray" -setting from the registry to the "*.prf"-file.
- Added a server/client mode (still basic, more to come. Should work great at schools...).
- Added option to connect more items to command lines (Virtual items).
- Added option to auto run items when you start Win Menu (Virtual items).
- Support for moving and copying an item to and from groups.
- Better image handling.
- Options to extract icons at runtime (instead of storing them as *.bmp).
- Config.exe may edit other profiles than current if you load it with command line parameters.
- Small tweaks and optimizes.
- The main structure of the source if rewritten.

Version 3.1
- Fixed a small bug that reported wrong version information.
- When browsing for files the old browse dialog is back, but I’ve also added a drop down button to use the folder browser.
- If no groups are added Win Menu will automatically load setup.

Version 3.0
- Lot’s of new stuff, most of the code is rewritten.

Version 2.83
- Fixed stupid tabbing error
- Hopefully fixed the not installed error(again)
- Code optimization
- Minor changes
- Provided a set of sample icons(Thanks to Mazlan Ibrahim)

Version 2.82
- Now you can add folders with DragDrop
- The images on the menu bar is now centered when using bevel
- Code uptimization
- Items menu popup’s horizontal position is dependant on bar position(instead of width)
- New command for hiding the menu bar

Version 2.81
- Fixing the problem with reading the registry(WM98 is not installed error)
- The preview image at Setup,Groups is now resizing to your icon size
- AlwaysOnTop is turned on(Normal:UnCheck,OnTop:Check,Only when hidden:Gray)
- "Custom Execute Type" removed, no need for it when there is "Context Menu"

Version 2.8
- Changed the browse directory dialog in the items menu
- Added a browse computer dialog as a special item
- Added a "Show Context Menu" command for all items
- Minor design changes
- Faster load time(I hope)
- Bug fix
- Made a real patch update(updating only the changes inn files)



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